A successful UK education involves many small strategic steps. Our advisors, tutors and mentors are here to support your family as you take these steps.



Choosing the right school for your child in the UK can be a daunting process. We support our Chinese families in every step of their child’s journey to the UK. Every child is different. We aim to find the right school for your child, academically, socially and emotionally. Our team of placement advisors, all of whom are respected professionals in education and who have worked at leading UK schools, have unrivalled knowledge and professional networks within the UK education system.

This level of professionalism, integrity, and an intense personal focus on each child, has never been seen before anywhere in Beijing.
— Beijing family at an international school

why us?

  • We listen to the families’ needs and custom design the most suitable route to success for each child.

  • Our holistic approach combines high quality tutoring with professional school advice.

  • We accept no fees from schools or intermediaries, ensuring our impartial advice.

  • We provide the personal touch with a team of dedicated professionals at your disposal throughout the educational journey.

  • We have the unique combination of a deep understanding of Chinese family culture and an unrivalled level of UK education expertise.

  • Our track record is outstanding.

  • We always go above and beyond in our customer services.

  • Our success is based on word of mouth from extremely satisfied families.


We have a team of experienced tutors, carefully selected, trained, and monitored by our senior team. Our tutors are dedicated professionals with proven track records in the UK’s most competitive entrance examinations.

We provide online one-to-one tuition for families in China, or in person tuition for families in the UK. Our service includes tutoring for English/EAL, supporting students in their weaker school subjects, teaching subjects not otherwise taught in Chinese schools, and preparing for UK entrance examinations, academic assessments, mock examinations, and interview preparations.


For teenagers to achieve their full potential, they need to have a fully involved parent or an experienced mentor in place. We carefully match our students with mentors who share their passion and ambitions. Our mentors liaise with students, parents and the school throughout the academic year. Building up the trust with each child, the mentors support, develop, and encourage all areas of the children’s academic, cultural and social life, ultimately guilding them through their career choices.


Attending the right summer camps can often become the first step of a successful UK educational journey. We work with a multiple award-winning summer programme that offers an exceptional academic curriculum combined with unforgettable culture experiences. Our students leave the programme much more prepared for the future.


Arriving in a new country can be challenging. We work with our trusted partners, leading players in their respective fields, to advise you on all relocation related matters, including but not limited to: UK immigration, property investment, renting accommodation, tax advice, and exploring other investment opportunities.